ESSER Justification: ColorPro Poster Maker

The purpose of the Covid Relief Packages (ESSER, ESSER II, CARES Act, and CRRSA Act) is to better coordinate the various efforts of state, local, and other entities to help prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19. This includes the purchase of hardware and software to support remote and hybrid learning and to plan for (and coordinate) not only long-term closures but also to keep students and faculty safe when they are in the building. A vital way of doing this is making sure that building labeling and signage displays the most current and up-to-date information and guidelines. For example, if the CDC guidelines change from 3’ of social distancing to 6’, you must make those signage changes immediately. The ColorPro Poster Maker, an on-site custom signage system, offers the fastest and most effective way to do that. Training your staff on proper sanitation methods and proper use of PPE (Personal Protection Equipment), including providing visual instruction and reminders, is also imperative. These programs also address providing services to support student mental health and even supporting after-school and summer learning programs. In short, these programs encompass a wide range of activities and practices to keep students well as well as engaged.
How The ColorPro Poster Maker Fits In…
- Create customized directional labels, floor markers, facility signage, notification, and procedural signage, and more to promote social distancing, designate restricted areas & entries, and reinforce safety guidelines and procedures.
- Organize PPE equipment and healthcare items with custom visuals for organization, differentiation, proper use procedures, cleaning and sanitization requirements and procedures, expiration dates, and who to contact (and how) for refills and replacements.
- Create custom training materials on large posters (up to 2’ x 3’) for staff safety and cleaning procedures, including hand washing procedures, sanitizing and workspace cleaning procedures, building entry requirements, procedures on what to do if someone doesn’t feel well, and much more.
- Create floor spacing strips showing actual 6’ spacing distances (or any length, up to 100’), customized with your school’s logo, which not only helps students maintain social distancing, but which also helps teach students distance measurements… and promotes school pride through the addition of your mascot and logo.
- Produce social-emotional learning supports through feelings discussion posters, and awards (yard signs, posters, etc.) for progress and achievement, whether students are in-building or at home. Also, reward your teaching staff for exceptional over-and-beyond behavior with custom banners and yard signs.
- Create large instructional posters that can be seen over Zoom/TEAMS meetings so students can see class materials even over small computer screens. Also, display progress initiatives and student achievement charts to track learning development and growth.
- Create floor markers of where to stand featuring your school’s logo/mascot (rather than just an “X”). The ColorPro Poster Maker will print multiple markers on one poster on a self-adhesive vinyl sticker material, ready to be cut and immediately applied. The ColorPro’s supply material is a thick, adhesive-backed vinyl, so it is easy to apply, and will hold up to thousands of feet walking over it all day long!