Keep Your Students, Faculty, & Staff SAFE
As schools across the country prepare to re-open for the first time since March, administrators are looking for every way possible to keep everyone safe, while at the same time making everyone feel comfortable that the school is taking every necessary precaution. Obviously, one of the top ways to do this is for teachers and staff to receive proper training. One of the best ways to supplement this training is with large, attention-getting visuals throughout the school.

In regard to students, let’s be realistic… our students outnumber the faculty and staff by at least 10-1. It is virtually impossible to supervise every child at all times. Therefore, it is vital to have instructional and reminder posters and signage placed in conspicuous spots all over the school. These posters and signs can range from large wall posters promoting proper protocols (washing your hands, tell a teacher if you feel bad, covering your coughs, etc.), to floor signage reminding students to keep 6 feet apart and where to stand.
In regard to faculty and staff, such posters and signs will reinforce their training, and serve as “cheat sheets” for the recent Covid training that they’ve been given. Remember, this is new to all of us, so reminders of recent training will go a long way in making sure that everything “takes.”
In regard to parents and visitors, these signs and posters will inform and direct visitors on the proper protocols that your administration has put into effect for the safety and security of everyone. They will also assure everyone that your school has taken every precaution to keep everyone safe!
These posters and signs need to be LARGE! We must all face the fact that 8-1/2” x 11” documents placed on a large wall simply do not get noticed. They also don’t seem to be “important” when they are so small. But, when a large poster is put up, people not only notice it, but also (both consciously and subconsciously) realize that it addresses something important.
Many companies are offering Covid posters for sale, but the prices are outrageous!
Presentation Solutions has just introduced approximately 90 Covid poster templates for the ColorPro Poster Maker, and dozens more for the Recognizer Award and Recognition System. These templates cover all of the important signage that schools need as they return to school from the pandemic. As we get all of this behind us, they can also be adapted to the “normal” flu each year, as well. Furthermore, they can be edited, so you can make them say whatever you want them to, and even add your school’s own logo/mascot to them, so it’s like you had them printed specifically for your school!
Finally, be sure to print banners and posters to welcome your students back after the long layoff! Although everyone is excited to get back, there is bound to be a certain apprehension, as well. If the first thing everyone sees when they enter your school is a big, happy “WELCOME BACK!” banner, that will help to put everyone’s mind at ease immediately! These banner templates are included in our “BANNERS” templates. Every ColorPro and ColorPro ULTRA now ships with these templates included on its Command Center! We even have a number of them in Spanish! If you already own one of our ColorPro systems, simply contact us and we will send the new templates to you – FREE OF CHARGE! This is our way of helping you combat the Covid-19 virus, and a testament that once you purchase a ColorPro, it will never become obsolete!