People have always loved bumper stickers… and they’re about to love them even more!
The Recognizer ULTRA has templates for bumper stickers!
And not just the traditional, generic “My Child Is…” bumper stickers. All of the Recognizer’s templates can be personalized with an individual student’s name! That is the secret of how to make bumper stickers so popular!
These templates range from Honor Roll recognition, to sports and club participation! You choose how you want them to be – either generic (such as, “My Child Is…”) or personalized, as in the example at right. To personalize a bumper sticker, you simply choose the appropriate template, click on what you want to edit (“My Child Is An Honor Student”), and type what you want it to say instead (“My Son Cole Is An Honor Student”)! You can even add your school name and mascot or logo!
What’s also really great is that you only create exactly as many as you need! For example, if you need 33 bumper stickers to honor your Perfect Attendance students, then you print 33! This completely eliminates situations of having to order a minimum quantity from an outside vendor, and wondering what you will do with all of the extras!
In addition, these bumper stickers can also be placed on magnets, which are becoming more and more popular!