Facilities Directors…
Take Charge of Your Campuses with the Ultimate School Facility Identification and Signage System!
Create Your Own School Building Signs and Labels
With The Recognizer ULTRA
Sourcing appropriate signs and labels can often be time-consuming and costly, especially when only small quantities – specifically worded – or exact-size outputs are required.
Enter the Recognizer ULTRA… this system produces high-quality, low-cost signs and labels, instantly, and as you need them! The Recognizer prints and cuts text, graphics, and signs up to 4-inches in size (or up to 8-inches with the Recognizer XL), and in up to 10 colors! Using our powerful sign-creation software (included), the Recognizer ULTRA allows you to create your own OSHA-required labels; state-mandated signage; directional, informational and safety signage; classroom identification labels and more! All in-house and in minutes – and at a fraction of the cost of purchasing pre-made or custom signage from a sign vendor or catalog!
Create Both Printed & Cut-Vinyl Signs and Lettering
With The Recognizer ULTRA
While many facility and signage applications require printed labels, still others require the use of cut-vinyl lettering and symbols. The Recognizer does BOTH! In addition to printed signs and labels, the Recognizer ULTRA also allows you to cut out nearly anything – graphics, symbols, text, etc – from a roll of outdoor-grade self-adhesive vinyl, up to 4 inches in size. For larger sizes, you can “tile print,” or move up to the Recognizer XL (8”). The system is perfect for nameplates, vehicle lettering, aluminum and fiberglass sign blanks, office and classroom identification, and more! You’ll be amazed at the professionalism, flexibility, speed, reliability and quietness offered by the Recognizer ULTRA – as well as the fabulously-low cost of the finished sign itself!
The Ultimate (and Easiest!) Safety and Facility Identification Software!
The Recognizer’s software is one of the most comprehensive and easiest-to-use safety and facility identification software programs on the market. This software allows you to use pre-formatted templates to create your signs quickly, easily and professionally! Simply choose the type of sign you want from the templates… type what you want it to say… and click “Print.” That’s all there is to it! The software includes over 1,000 safety symbols and school-related pictograms, and has a database of 2,000 chemicals for creating OSHA Right-To-Know labels. In addition, you can personalize all of your labels and signs with your school district’s logo! You also have the capability of adding barcodes, graphics, or even a digital photograph to any sign or label! In short, it will let you do just about anything!
Even Special Applications Are No Problem!
The Recognizer ULTRA even accommodates unique applications that Facilities Directors sometimes face. For example, in the event that your local Fire Marshall wants every classroom numbered on the outside of the school building with reflective numbers, the Recognizer accepts a special reflective sign material. The system also has templates for school hallway “traffic sign” identification, in which many “Leader In Me” schools label their hallways with Steven Covey’s “7 Habits.” In short, the Recognizer ULTRA will let you do pretty much anything… all in-house and in minutes… and at a fraction of the cost of outsourcing!