Professionally Identify and Label Your Entire School Facility!
It’s like having your own sign shop on campus!
The Recognizer ULTRA allows you to create custom signage for your entire school facility, including directional signs, classroom & hallway identification, Media Center shelf labeling, informational signage, and much more. The Recognizer has numerous signage templates, all of which can also incorporate your school’s logo, for a truly personal touch!
One of the most popular applications is labeling teachers’ classrooms! Most schools label each classroom with a teacher’s name and grade (or subject), but most do so with a simple sheet of paper taped to the door or wall. With the Recognizer, you can professionally identify each teacher’s classroom for about $1.00 per classroom!
The Recognizer uses the same material that sign shops use to put lettering on businesses and stores. Your teachers will feel valued and appreciated by the professional way you have identified their classrooms, which will instill pride and elevate teaching performance.
Required signage templates are also included, including visitor notifications, instructions, and all OSHA-required signage. We even have an entire section of templates, to help keep everyone safe and feel more secure in these crazy times!
Not only does the Recognizer ULTRA generate a phenomenal amount of positive P.R. for a minimal expenditure, but any visitor to your school (perhaps an even an accreditation representative) will be impressed with the overall professionalism and customization of your signage, as well as the “positive aura” that is given off!
If you are your school or District’s Facilities Director, and have even more OSHA-related signage and labeling applications, The Recognizer ULTRA can accommodate those, as well. To find out more, click here for our school Facilities Directors page…